博斯特客户样板工厂 | 华新彩印:品牌制胜,合作赢未来
- 分类:战略合作
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- 发布时间:2020-11-03 13:01
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【概要描述】Huaxincolorprinting,winthefuturewithbrandandcooperation 2020年,一场突如其来的新冠疫情给中国乃至世界经济运行带来了巨大的挑战,全球很多行业在今年都经历了前所未有的阵痛期,不仅元气大伤,而且更对未来充满了不确定性,不少业界专家都预估至少要三年才能基本恢复至疫情前水平。作为全球经济的风向标之一,印刷包装产业可谓首当其冲。 Covid-19ha
博斯特客户样板工厂 | 华新彩印:品牌制胜,合作赢未来
【概要描述】Huaxincolorprinting,winthefuturewithbrandandcooperation 2020年,一场突如其来的新冠疫情给中国乃至世界经济运行带来了巨大的挑战,全球很多行业在今年都经历了前所未有的阵痛期,不仅元气大伤,而且更对未来充满了不确定性,不少业界专家都预估至少要三年才能基本恢复至疫情前水平。作为全球经济的风向标之一,印刷包装产业可谓首当其冲。 Covid-19ha
- 分类:战略合作
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- 发布时间:2020-11-03 13:01
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Huaxin color printing, win the future with brand and cooperation
Covid-19 has brought huge challenges to the economy of China and the rest of the world, during 2020. Many global industries have experienced unprecedented pain this year and future developments remain uncertain. Many industry experts predict it will take at least three years to return to levels before the epidemic. As one of the weathervanes of the global economy, the printing and packaging industry can be said to be the first to be affected.
Under this situation, how does Huaxin (Foshan) Color Printing Co., Ltd. think and respond? We were fortunate to interview Gao Mingxing, the deputy general manager of Huaxin Color Printing, to learn more about the cooperation between Huaxin Color Printing and BOBST.
Huaxin Color Printing, founded in 1964, is a state-owned printing and packaging enterprise controlled by China Paper Investment Corporation, under China Chengtong Group. It has a history of 56 years.Since its establishment, has been making continuous progress; gradually developing from a small workshop-style printer of leaflets, books and newspapers to a transformation in 2000 that has seen the company move towards a focus on the production of corrugated and folding carton boxes.
This change in direction came about as a result of continued reform and opening up, and today, Huaxin Color Printing is one of the most well-known packaging and printing companies in the food, pharmaceuticals, personal care, cosmetics, electronic appliances, toys, wine packaging and paper products markets. At present, the company provides high-quality packaging and printing services to more than 140 domestic and international customers.
Until now, Huaxin Color Printing covers an area of more than 120 mu, occupying spacious production plants and storage warehouses. These are each managed in accordance with the 6s standard to meet the quality and environmental requirements of its diverse customer base. "The production scale of Huaxin Color Printing has further expanded. After moving to our new site, our annual sales have steadily increased from 200 million CNY to 400 million CNY," Gao Mingxing revealed.
Regarding the achievements of Huaxin Color Printing, Gao Mingxing said: "Huaxin Color Printing is in the packaging and printing industry, which is highly related to the macro economy. Its development is closely related to China’s economy and manufacturing. China has entered a stage of high-quality development, but at the same time, the problem of unbalanced and inadequate economic development in China is still very prominent, and the impact on the printing and packaging industry is the difference in the industrial structure."
In recent years, Huaxin Color Printing has accelerated the optimization and upgrading of product structure, along with enhancing technological innovation capabilities. It has also strengthened corporate reform and cooperation and focused on sustainability and automation. These are important foundations for business development today and in the future. Yet, the core competitiveness of Huaxin Color Printing is its manufacturing capabilities and service innovation capabilities.
“今年国内疫情爆发期间,华新彩印引入博斯特SP106 ER 全清废模切机,博斯特工作人员1个月内完成设备交付,安装,调试,投产。这为我司抗疫产品包装的生产提供了极大的助力,整个过程体现了博斯特的高效率和高品质。”正是这样的服务和专业态度,让华新彩印始终与博斯特携手同行。
"During the outbreak of Covid-19 this year, Huaxin Color Printing purchased SP 106 ER from Bobst Shanghai and they completed machine delivery, installation, commissioning and into production within one month. This provided a great boost to the production of our anti-covid-19 products’ packaging and the whole process reflected the efficiency and high quality of BOBST. It is this kind of service and professional attitude that makes Huaxin Color Printing always go hand in hand with BOBST.”
In July 2020, Huaxin Color Printing officially signed a cooperation agreement with Bobst Shanghai and became the fifth customer reference site of BOBST in APAC.